Thursday, October 29, 2009

Something new i started (if anyone cares)

the other day i had an urge to play a tcg (trading card game), having been a fan of pokemon mostly all of my childhood i missed going into a game store and buying cards then trading them and battling with friends. so i went to my local game store and picked up a Legend of the Five Rings started deck ( It's a card game set in a fictional fantasy samurai setting, which makes it cool becuase its not straight outta Tolkien litterature like most fantasy games these days.

now i haven't gotten to play yet and im still learning the rules, but i think it'll be cool.

thats the logo, by the way.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Historical role playing; it's where it's at.

Do you like history? Probably not. But whatever, i wont hate you for it.

Do you like role playing games?

well if you answered yes to one of those questions this blog post is for you.

About a year ago i started working on something, something we call a role playing game. It started a while back when me and my friends were playing a d20 campaign from a sourcebook called "Legends of excalibur" ( its a campaign setting set in the arthurian legends, obviously. I liked game mastering this campaign because it was pretty historical, and fun.

But we're pretty big do-it-yourselfers, so after a while we started developping house rules, to tweak the game to what we wanted. After a few games, spanning over a few months we had so many house rules it was hardly d20 system anymore. So i had the brilliant idea to start writing my own set of rules, based on these house rules.

but i decided to not go for the magic and fantasy genre, i instead went in the historical direction. thus gave birth to "Falchion", the historical role palying game.

its a work in progress, but here are some previews:

the cover art.

this game will hopefully be a success with maybe the older generation of gamers, maybe even historical wargamers, I don't know, we'll see.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Custom rubik's cube? I think so.

are you tired of the usual rubik's cube? that set of lame colors on a black plastic cube.

well those days are over mister.

now with cubes made from the raddy daddies at you can make your own cube in various colors, they have cube kits so that you can make your own, any color you want!
such as:

the see-through green cube.

the glow in the dark cube.

and they also have custom stickers.

So yeah, its cool site, their cubes are really smooth and pretty cheap too!

I got a blog now, fool

So yeah i was bored one day and i got a blog because it's free.

so i guess i should start by introducing myself.

I'm Justin, I'm somewhat of a geek. I have a lot of hobbies, too many in my eyes. here's a list (these are the things that will most likely be discussed on this blog thing i got.)

-Playing music
-Speed cubing
-Circuit bending
-Modding electronics
-The Linux operating system

and other stuff

so im not gonna tell you where i live or anything, because the internet is dangerous.