Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Historical role playing; it's where it's at.

Do you like history? Probably not. But whatever, i wont hate you for it.

Do you like role playing games?

well if you answered yes to one of those questions this blog post is for you.

About a year ago i started working on something, something we call a role playing game. It started a while back when me and my friends were playing a d20 campaign from a sourcebook called "Legends of excalibur" (http://rpgobjects.com/index.php?c=product&p_id=41) its a campaign setting set in the arthurian legends, obviously. I liked game mastering this campaign because it was pretty historical, and fun.

But we're pretty big do-it-yourselfers, so after a while we started developping house rules, to tweak the game to what we wanted. After a few games, spanning over a few months we had so many house rules it was hardly d20 system anymore. So i had the brilliant idea to start writing my own set of rules, based on these house rules.

but i decided to not go for the magic and fantasy genre, i instead went in the historical direction. thus gave birth to "Falchion", the historical role palying game.

its a work in progress, but here are some previews:

the cover art.

this game will hopefully be a success with maybe the older generation of gamers, maybe even historical wargamers, I don't know, we'll see.

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