Friday, June 12, 2009

I got a blog now, fool

So yeah i was bored one day and i got a blog because it's free.

so i guess i should start by introducing myself.

I'm Justin, I'm somewhat of a geek. I have a lot of hobbies, too many in my eyes. here's a list (these are the things that will most likely be discussed on this blog thing i got.)

-Playing music
-Speed cubing
-Circuit bending
-Modding electronics
-The Linux operating system

and other stuff

so im not gonna tell you where i live or anything, because the internet is dangerous.


  1. Pretty sweet looking blogging going on here dude... Your going super techie.. its awesome.... Oh you forgot to mention.. your gonna talk about RPG in this blog right ? Come on dude.. Can't forget the most important thing lol... :P

  2. Well How Did I know you werent refering to like video game or something ?....or like I dunno Whatever.. It should have its own category its that cool.. Come on dude....
